DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-175-182
This article is devoted to the problem of methodological substantiation of socio-pedagogical strategies for supporting students with disabilities. The data of the Russian and world statistics are presented, the ideas of integrated support and the essence of the strategic paradigm are revealed in the context of this category of students, the essence of the concept “strategy” is analyzed, social and pedagogical strategies and their role in supporting students with disabilities are presented. Federal Law No. 181-FZ from November 24, 1995 (as amended on 20.07.2012) “About the Social Protection of People with Disabilities in the Russian Federation” suggests that the limitation of life is the total or partial loss of the person’s ability or ability to self-service, move independently, orientate, communicate, control their behavior, learn and engage in work. Depending on the disorganization degree of the body’s functions and the limitation of vital activity, a disability group is established for people recognized as disabled. Pedagogical support (according to O. S Gazman, T. V Anokhina, S. I Popova, etc.) is a “system of pedagogical activity” and “the process of sharing with the child the definition of his own interests, goals, opportunities and ways to overcome obstacles (problems)”. Traditionally, in the pedagogical science, the strategy is understood as the regular, appropriate, managed (self-governing) positive changes in the organization itself (goals, content, managing methods and forms of the pedagogical process) and its management system, which leads to the achievement of qualitatively new results in the education, upbringing and students’ development. The pedagogical support strategy is understood broader and considered not only in the context of new learning outcomes, upbringing and development of students with disabilities, but also in the context of realizing the ideas of tolerance, socialization, in-house training, comfortable educational environment formation, taking into account the characteristics of both the students themselves and internal and environmental educational organization, leading to the achievement of qualitatively new results of education, upbringing and development of students, and to achieve social effect. To implement comprehensive support for students with disabilities, the following social and pedagogical strategies are most significant: corporate unity strategy, partnership strategy and individual self-realization strategy.
Keywords: students with disabilities, support, social and pedagogical strategies, individual educational route, tolerance
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 175 — 182
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