DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-183-188
In the conditions of modernization of the education system the introduction of new FSES of general education and teacher’s professional standard developing teacher’s professional and ethical readiness to fulfill the tasks assigned to him is extremely important. The purpose of the presented research is the development of teacher’s professional and ethical qualities when working with trainees with disabilities. The research is based on the theory of professional pedagogical education, theoretical and practical research of problems and aspects of professional ethics and professional and ethical qualities of the teacher (V. N. Averkin, V. A. Bolotov, G. A. Bordovsky, S. G. Vershlovsky, A. L. Gavrikov, V. V. Gorshkova, I. A. Zimnya, Yu. N. Kulyutkin, V. M. Mitina, V. G. Onushkin, S. A. Pisareva, N. F. Radionova, G. S. Sukhobskaya, A. P. Tryapitsina, and others). The authors determine the structure of the teacher’s ethical competence, which allows him to work with disabled children, provide the methodology for identifying the needs of the teaching staff in the development of professional and ethical qualities that makes it possible to create comfortable and tolerant environment in the educational organization. Inclusive etiquette is proposed, which implies certain responsibility of each person, included in the educational environment, readiness for the manifestation of assistance as an integral personal quality. Developing professional and ethical qualities of the teacher and his readiness for their manifestation in work with children with disabilities presupposes formation of a whole range of qualities that are based on personal resources, such as charity, empathy, tolerance, pedagogical optimism, self-control. Solving the problem of training teachers to work with children with disabilities will realize intensive introduction of inclusive education in the country, increase the level of teachers’ professional competence.
Keywords: inclusive education, pedagogical ethics, professional and ethical qualities, tolerance, principles of inclusive ethics
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 183 — 188
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