DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-59-65
In psychology, special attention is paid to research activities conducted in extreme conditions (the limit of physical and mental stress, risk, time constraints, etc.). Such conditions create significant difficulties for a person, and effective overcoming is impossible without strongwilled efforts, without conscious mobilization of all forces, without the necessary regulation of actions and internal states. Sport tourism refers to extreme actions that make special demands on physical, technical, tactical and psychological training of athletes. Extremity of the sport is determined by the conditions of the surrounding environment: severe climatic and geographic characteristics, set local (passes, peaks, mountain passes, crossing rivers, canyons) and the longest (vegetation, swamps, talus and moraines, sand, snow and ice patches) obstacles. The success of overcoming these constraints depends on many properties of the individual athlete, among which one of the fundamental is strong-willed activity. Currently, the authors do not have a definite opinion on the number of qualities involved in an internal Act, among which are called dedication, initiative, self-reliance, determination, perseverance, self-discipline, self-control, endurance. However, the available literature studies are missing, assessment and improvement of volitional sphere athletes engaged in adventure tourism. The article discusses components of volitional activities of students engaged in extreme sports activity - tourism: creativity, self-reliance, determination, perseverance. Compares these qualities with similar indicators in the group of students involved in playing sports - volleyball and basketball. It is shown that the extreme sport activities create conditions for more intensive formation of a strong-willed personality activity.
Keywords: extreme activities, sports tourism, students, strong-willed activity, initiative, self-reliance, determination, perseverance
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 59 — 65
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