DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-4-198-207
The paper deals with the regional practice of children’s and youth movement as the field of applied scientific research of socio-pedagogical direction. The authors of the article put forward the arguments for the necessity of renewal of the conceptual approaches to the upbringing of the younger generation and the development of current educational practices including the elaboration of the new pedagogical technologies of upbringing which meet the requirements and correspond to the peculiarities of the modern world. The specifics of the activity of children’s and youth public associations in modern Russia are described. The peculiarities of the regional practice of children’s and youth movement in Tomsk region are presented. The paper indicates relevant directions of scientific research of socio-pedagogical direction, which are connected with different aspects of children’s and youth movement practice development. The directions are revealed by means of theoretical analysis. The paper grounds possibilities of the educational master programs for the realization of scientific research in the field of these directions. The authors of the paper present the results of the comprehension and generalization of the experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University connected with the organization of applied scientific and pedagogical studies related to the problem of children’s and youth movement regional practice development.
Keywords: upbringing, socialization, children’s movement, youth movement, children’s and youth organizations, applied scientific researches of social-pedagogical direction
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 198 — 207
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