DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-142-150
The article deals with the study of the mutual influence of legal thinking on the development of Mathematics and of Mathematics on the quality of legal thinking. A historical example of the emergence of a new mathematical thinking that extends the notion of number and the notion of justice, named in the work as “a justice number” is considered. We study the problem of dividing of the bet in an unfinished game and two solutions: first solution is the “unjust”, given by Pacioli, using the Aristotelian notion of distributive justice, and the second “just” solution, given by Fermat, in which the notion of number and the new Mathematical thinking – probability theory – were expanded. It was concluded that the emergence of new mathematical thinking has changed the notion of justice in accordance with the new content of mathematical thinking. Another conclusion is that at all times the analogue of truth and fair law for a lawyer was Mathematics. Arguments are presented in favor of teaching Mathematics to improve the quality of juridical education in the study of legal disciplines at law university. We suggest starting the study of information technology at Law Faculty with the study of computer Mathematics Maxima. The Maxima program teaches the student the rigor and uniqueness of thinking due to the need for correct writing of commands, and develops student’s mathematical thinking. The new mathematical thinking of the student becomes an inseparable component of the legal thinking of a future lawyer. So, Maxima improves the quality of juridical education.
Keywords: juridical thinking, mathematical thinking, justice, distributive justice, the quality of juridical education, Mathematics, probability, probability theory, dividing of the bet in an unfinished game, information technology, computer Mathematics Maxima
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 142 — 150
Downloads: 1112