DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-74-78
Normative documents on higher pedagogical education, a real situation in education indicate the necessity to change the quality of the preparation to the pedagogical activity. Such changes in training are ensured by the participation of the students of pedagogical institutions in solving their (pedagogical) education tasks, i.e. their participation in the pedagogical activity necessary for the formulation and solution of these tasks. To do this it is necessary to actualize the conditions and forms of changing of the content and organization of students’ preparation to the pedagogical activity. The eventual approach appears as one of the conditions of this change. Recently a certain amount of researches discussing the eventual approach in education has appeared. The aim of the article is to substantiate the interconnection and intercorrelation of educational events and pedagogical activity. For this purpose, the notions “event” and “educational event” have been formulated on the basis of the analysis of literature and the experience of empirical research. The characteristics of pedagogical activity have been singled out to define the connection of the educational event and pedagogical activity. Objectivity, value-semantic relations, reflexion present the characteristics producing their influence on the educational event. To define the essence of the educational event influence on the pedagogical activity the mechanisms of influence have been revealed: spatiotemporal, informative (values, senses, value-semantic relations), a procedural mechanism including special forms and means (designing), special organization (action, mutual activity), conditions (participation of students in designing educational events), and results (qualitative changes).
Keywords: pedagogical activity, educational event, interconnection, mechanisms of influence
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 74 — 78
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