DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-63-69
The article deals with the problem of the relevance of positive motivation formation through the foreign language study. The authors pay special attention to interaction with students of higher educational institutions studying in the non-linguistic specialty, who are not professionally interested in learning a foreign language. The article presents different approaches to this problem and practical examples taken from personal pedagogical experience. The main purpose of the article is to determine the ways of forming positive motivation by studying a foreign language and optimizing the learning process. The relationship between internal motivational tendencies and social conditioning of human psychology is defined. The article states that all human activity is controlled by definite motives and are directed towards the certain aim. Motivation helps determine the actual reason of human activity. The educational sphere of higher education is characterized by a great number of special factors which facilitate the positive motivation formation through the foreign language study. Formation of the motivational sphere of a student proceeds in such directions as the formation of motives and needs for professional development, the formation of skills and habits of self-education, the creation of the ability of objective self-assessment and the ability to plan changes in activities, if necessary.
Keywords: positive motivation, self-development, spontaneous speech, communication, optimization, pedagogical experience
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 63 — 69
Downloads: 1261