DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-70-75
The article describes the results of questioning of students of the faculty of preschool and primary education. The aim of the research is to clarify the attitude of respondents to the issue of supervision practice in educational organizations. Supervision is interpreted as a methodological and active support that contributes not only to adaptation in the profession but also to professional and personal development. The author finds out what factors influence the decision of the teacher to stay in profession; what forms of work with young specialists are used most often; what qualities must the teacher-instructor have. It turns out that the main positive factors are: high salary, organization of methodological support, team adaptation. Individual consultations and exemplary lessons of experienced colleagues are the most used forms of support work with young specialists. Respondents’ opinions about the qualities of a mentor can be grouped into two “triangles”: the psychological “triangle of confrontation” (empathy, communicability, exactness) and pedagogical “triangle of complementarity” (professional experience, ability to learn, research qualities). Finally, the author clarifies that supervision is a co-organization of different models of interaction with the ward (authoritarian, leadership, partnership), in which a mentor can be a head, a leader and a partner in cooperation with a young specialist depending on the goals and content of supervision.
Keywords: questioning, young specialists, mentor, supervision, cooperation, mentor’s qualities
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 70 — 75
Downloads: 1044