DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-113-124
The article analyzes the features of speech behavior of Russian-speaking teenagersbloggers and the problems of the most popular adolescent video blogs. The authors offer a detailed definition of the concept of video blogging and formulate the characteristics of an adolescent video blog. The study provides a detailed assessment of the 14–17 years old videoblogers’ oral speech and the level of its compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language. Also the authors assess the level of communicative culture of Russian-speaking adolescents, analyze the style and subject of statements as a demonstration of the functioning of the Russian language on the Internet. The results of the research allow the authors to draw conclusions about the characteristics of modern adolescent video blogging and the trends in the development of this phenomenon. In particular, they note the connection between the development of adolescent video blogging and the general state of civil society and predict the transience of a significant part of the audience of adolescents in an active adult audience in the near future. The authors predict an increase in the number of adolescent videoblogs of socio-cultural and educational issues. The socio-cultural phenomenon of adolescent videoblogging, combined with the continuing growth in the popularity of rap culture, brings out personal qualities such as charisma, management of the attention of the audience, the ability to clearly formulate one’s position, skills in the field of rhetoric and selfpresentation among the most sought-after in a teenage audience. There is a fast and, most likely, irreversible commercialization of the sphere of teenage video blogging. The adolescent blogosphere outpaces the school in the level of motivation to use oral communication skills. At the same time, given the huge audience of adolescent videoblog viewers, we can predict a further deterioration in the quality of oral and written speech of graduates on a number of aspects: verbal and stylistic errors as well as the use of obscene vocabulary.
Keywords: videoblog, videoblogging, adolescent videoblog, discourse analysis of adolescent videoblogs, Russian language on the Internet, adolescent speech
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 113 — 124
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