DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-131-138
The importance of situational tasks in modern pedagogical education and their role in mastering the content of methodical disciplines is considered. Specific features of the exercises of the first, second and third levels of complexity to the situational tasks in the methodology of chemistry teaching are singled out. The reproductive nature of the activity of the students prevails in the tasks of the first level. They are aimed at the formation of practical skills and abilities in the compilation of didactic materials. Tasks of the second level of complexity have a part-search character of students’ cognitive activity and develop practical skills and abilities in developing methodological materials. The search activity, creative and author’s approach to the development of didactic materials, taking into account modern requirements for school education, dominate in the tasks of the third level of complexity. Different approaches to assessing of the performance of situational tasks are analyzed. General and specific criteria for assessing tasks of the different levels are developed. The matrix, including the criteria and indicators of their evaluation when performing tasks of different levels of complexity, is proposed. The results of approbation of the developed criteria are presented and the value of the criterial approach for the use of situational problems in the learning process is shown.
Keywords: situational task, methodology of teaching chemistry, specific features of assignments of the first, second and third levels of complexity, criteria and indicators for assessing tasks at different levels
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 131 — 138
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