DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-49-56
The article considers the problem of selection of modern scientific approaches to the development of children with speech disorders, the main principles of the pedagogical interventions taking into account individual characteristics of the preschool child and emotional contemporary understanding of the concept of «customization» and individualization of the learning strategy approach, integrating specific pedagogical approaches. Shows the relationship of the principle of individualization from the functioning of the educational approaches, the possibility of its realization in the educational practice of a speech therapist. Features of a focused, comprehensive correctional and logopedic impact on children of preschool age taking into account the implementation of the principle of individualization. It also determines the content of diagnostic and correctional-developing activities with children of preschool age taking into account the principle of individualization. Presents the method of individualized assessment of formation of communicative, speech, cognitive areas, in order to determine individual correctional and educational routes for children, systematic diagnostic and correctional-developing techniques, including flexible combination of psychological, pedagogical and innovative techniques. It is shown how these methods provide the efficiency of correction of speech disorders among children of preschool age.
Keywords: preschool age, speech development, prevention of speech disorders, speech therapy work, principle of individualization
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 49 — 56
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