DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-57-66
The article presents the results of the analysis of teachers’ participation in the discussion on topical problems of Russian education - the experience in the application of the Federal state educational standards of General education. Theoretical approaches to the concept of involvement are considered, the methodology of its study on the material of teachers’ statements in the process of monitoring the application of standards on the Internet portal “Public examination of normative documents in the field of education” is substantiated. The analysis of the materials showed the nature and degree of involvement of teachers depending on the level of education, the requirements of the relevant section of standards, and also identified resource aspects of involvement that teachers are ready to use in the discussion as indicators of activity and internal motivation. The main problems are called the following: methodical support of implementation of the standards; material and technical conditions for the implementation; taking into account of individuality; implementation of programs for remedial work; design and organization of educational activities. The greatest involvement of teachers was evident in the discussion of standards of General education. The discussion of the application problems has found intellectual, expressive, instrumental aspects of involvement. The expressive nature of involvement is more often recorded, that is, teachers share their experiences, emotionally describe difficulties. Comments to problems’ solutions they leave much less often and almost do not offer specific solutions, that indicate a weak expression of the instrumental component of involvement.
Keywords: involvement; federal state educational standard; Internet resources; intellectual, instrumental, expressive involvement; education levels
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 57 — 66
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