DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-75-84
At present the development of the social intellect of the future teacher is an actual problem. This is evidenced by the research of modern scientists (Genkina V. A. (2000), Lukicheva M. A. (2004), Makarova N. A. (20013), etc.). The feasibility of developing the social intellect of a future teacher is due to its relationship with such concepts as “professionally important qualities”, “professional abilities” and “professionalism”. Social intelligence provides the future teacher with competitiveness, success in professional activities and improving the quality of education. The purpose of the study was to study the characteristics and level of development of social intelligence of students who master the profession of a teacher in a university. According to the results of the study, four groups of subjects with normal, medium, medium and low social intelligence were identified. This allowed us to identify certain features of social intelligence in future teachers and to confirm the relevance of the development of social intelligence. To develop the social intelligence of students who master the profession of a teacher in a university, a set of pedagogical conditions is proposed. The proposed conditions can be a fundamental component of the educational environment, allowing the most optimal design of the process of development of the social intelligence of the future teacher in the university.
Keywords: social intellect of the future teacher, pedagogical profession, pedagogical conditions
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 75 — 84
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