DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-85-93
The article considers the concept of ethnoculture as a means of familiarizing with the spiritual culture of its people, a source of inspiration for the creativity of contemporary artists and designers. The urgency of introducing the foundations of ethnoculture into the content of education is due to the effectiveness of the educational impact of ethnology. The concept of ethnocultural competence as an integral characteristic of the individual is formulated, which includes a value attitude, a stable motivation for engaging in creative activity, the author’s professional style, the self- realization of the individual in creative work. In the process of clarifying the concept of “ethnocultural competence” three levels of “ethnocultural competence” are distinguished: axiological, active, creative. The tasks of the experimental program are aimed at the formation of ethnocultural competence. The tasks of the first stage of the program development are to raise the level of ethno-cultural awareness of students, the activity of immersion in the ethnocultural environment, the consolidation of knowledge and skills on the basics of composition using ethnocultural themes, based on ethnocultural patterns. The tasks of the second stage of the program implementation are creative interpretation, finding an individual author’s style, the author’s creative work on the basis of ethnostyle. These tasks are solved in the process of developing and implementing a corporate style based on ethnoculture. Ethnodesign is able to bring the creative beginning of the traditional culture into the modern living space.
Keywords: ethnoculture, ethnocultural competence, Kulaysk culture, ethnodesign, corporate style
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 85 — 93
Downloads: 937