DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-101-107
The list of pedagogical conditions for optimizing training of students for different types of future professional activity of specialists at nuclear power enterprises is considered: project, production, technological, research and organizational and managerial. As pedagogical conditions were identified the following: motivational - training of students, taking into account their individual inclinations to different types of future professional activity; substantial - development and subsequent implementation of a work program, program-methodological and supervisory training tools that promote the development of professional competencies; technological - use of a laboratory research complex, a training and research reactor and specialized software for the development of professional competencies of students. Taking into account the selected pedagogical conditions on the basis of synthesis of approaches (competence, personality-oriented, contextual and activity- oriented), a structural-functional model for optimizing the training of students for various types of professional activity at nuclear power enterprises was developed. An important feature of the created model is that in the process of preparing students for different types of professional activity the same provision (program-methodical, didactic, organizational and technical-technological) is used. The implementation of the developed model of training students for different types of future professional activity on the basis of formulated pedagogical conditions and optimization technology makes it possible to organize the educational process more effectively through didactic, program-methodological, organizational and technical-technological components.
Keywords: pedagogical conditions, structural-functional model, preparation of technical college students, optimization of teaching, synthesis of pedagogical approaches
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 101 — 107
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