DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-129-137
Today an important factor forming an image of the university is the proposal of various options and ways of knowledge acquisition, therefore within educational process the combination of both traditional forms and innovative techniques is advisable. In the article the thesis that training by means of a Virtual Learning Environment MOODLE gains special significance for the future representatives of tourism industry is claimed: the system can promote the development of such necessary qualities as mobility, skill to communicate, initiative, tolerance. It is proved that combining of the platform with offline meetings which can be seen in «Calendar of events», is able to improve students’ skills demanded by tourism industry. The most important skill is the ability to project a tour. MOODLE is based on the concepts of new content designing and freedom of important exchange and editing, so, the development of this very skill by means of the system is a promising idea. The main goal of the paper is to share the experience of specific educational problem solution within a training course of a tour design – the training material broken into blocks applied with the maps, atlases, text extractions with references to electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, anthologies, scientific articles, publications of popular scientific character, becomes the virtual exercise machine for the tour designing.
Keywords: Virtual Learning Environment MOODLE, distance learning, interactive thematic blocks, ecological education, destination, caving, tour design, learning outcomes
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 129 — 137
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