DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-114-121
A comparative analysis of K. D. Ushinsky’s methods of teaching geography and modern methods of teaching geography was held. The features of similarity in the presentation of geographical material in the textbooks on natural science of the 19th century and modern school textbooks of geography are revealed. In particular, the use of assignments for sensible perception of geographic terms and concepts; use of geographical maps, paintings, colorful stories and poems, tables, charts; demonstration experiments. The course structure of school geography, the list and content of the topics studied are similar too. The presentation of educational material in the interpretation of K. D. Ushinsky abounds with repetitions and distractions, because of what the text is significantly increased in volume, which would make the reading difficult for modern schoolchildren. At the same time, the modern geographic text is accompanied by strict scientific facts, figures, percentages, shares, and therefore also difficult for understanding. The above examples of assignments from the teacher’s textbooks and examples of similar assignments in current geography textbooks confirm this similarity. The Modern Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education also reflects the basic didactic principles of the scientist (the mother-tongue principle, the principle of visibility, the principle of nationality in public education) in the “portrait of the graduate of the main school”, in the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education (personal, meta-subject, subject). Thus, it is proved that the modern method of teaching geography is based on the basic pedagogical ideas of Ushinsky K. D. The scientist made a great contribution to the reform of the education of the 19th century and his didactic system, expanded and supplemented, is relevant at the present time.
Keywords: methods of teaching geography, K. D. Ushinsky, didactic system, didactic principles
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 114 — 121
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