DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-154-160
The extracurricular educational work is an integral part of the learning process. An educational institution must ensure the variability of extracurricular activities, using different forms of organization which are different from class-based static classes. The content of extracurricular activities is regulated by the internal documents of the educational institution and is determined by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education. In the regional state budget educational institution of secondary vocational education “Kozhevnikovo Agribusiness Technical College” the organization of extracurricular activities for the category of disabled students and persons with disabilities in the frame of specialty “Seamstress” is carried out by means of a creative group training. The article is based on the creative group training program which is designed in accordance with the special educational needs of disabled students and persons with disabilities as well as taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual opportunities, and the professional specialization of the institution. The creative group training program describes methods for working with various artistic materials, the program gives the recommendations for the teacher during the planning, conduct and analysis of the classes. The purpose of the article is the possibility of sharing experiences and progressive practices of organization the creative training for disabled students and persons with disabilities at different stages of the development of vocational education systems. Also the reader is invited to think about the ways of interaction between different educational institutions and to stimulate pedagogical communication and interaction at various levels of the professional educational system.
Keywords: adaptation, persons with disability, extracurricular activities, creative activities
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 154 — 160
Downloads: 1035