DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-161-172
The article reflects the role of the modern teacher of higher education in the development of the creative potential of students’ personality in the process of their professional training. The reconstruction of activity of the modern teacher actualized by the change of students’ training principles is investigated. The aspects of creative potential development of students’ personality are considered, pedagogical conditions of its formation, formation of the creative environment, inducements of reflexive activity, dialogization of educational process are allocated. A survey of students of Altai State Technical University and Altai Economics and Law Institute was conducted. The results of the studyof the teacher’s role in the creative potential development of the individual students in the learning process are presented. These questionnaires allowed the author to conclude that the type of educational institution does not affect the role of the teacher in the development of the individual students’ creative potential, there are significant reserves for the development of creative qualities of the individual student associated with the pedagogical conditions of education, upbringing and personality of the teacher. About two-thirds of students can be “woken up” for creativity if necessary preconditions are created for it: democratization of process of training, granting the right of the choice of subjects for studying, increase of specific weight of discussion and game types of occupations, target selection of the teachers possessing creative qualities.
Keywords: teaching in higher education, teacher’s role in the process of teaching, teacher’s functions in teaching, teacher’s creative qualities, higher education institution, personal and professional development, conscious choice of interesting and personality de
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 161 — 172
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