DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-173-178
Questions of formation of positive motivation to work and labor activity by means of festive culture are considered. Preservation of life of society throughout many centuries was supported thanks to traditions of labor education of the Russian people. Throughout many centuries work was realized as the expedient, conscious, physical and intellectual activity directed to satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, developing physical and spiritual powers of the person, playing the main role for life support of society. Now the problem of formation of positive motivation to work is one of the most relevant in questions of education of younger generation. The characteristic of the functions of festive culture of the Russian people exerting impact on labor education is given. All labor cycles were followed by the ritual and ceremonial actions which are a basis of festive culture of the Russian people: plowed land, sowing, haymaking, harvest, harvesting, threshing, hunting, fishing season. According to the researchers, the holidays held a regulatory and socionormative role, formed love and respect for their native land, cultivated the aesthetic and moral qualities of the individual. Modern society with its revaluation of values has led to the destruction of continuity between generations, decrease in value of family values, reduction of influence of traditions on behavior of people, change of the attitude to work. Features of modern life of society have changed not only functions of holidays, but also their contents. Many of them have lost the initial value and were transformed. The article gives examples of the factors which have influenced transformation of holidays in modern society. Describes manifestations of the festive actions allowing to bring up the valuable attitude to work.
Keywords: festive culture, traditions of the Russian people, labor education
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 173 — 178
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