DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-194-205
А creative behavior of a person in the natural conditions of life is considered and analyzed. The advantages of studying the creative manifestations of subjects (children of primary school age) in a free situation typical for the natural real creative process are substantiated. The parameters of free situation, singled out and used in the experimental study, and the factors that stimulate the creative manifestations of children, such as the representation of the example of creative behavior of a significant adult, emotional and creative contact of the adult with children, etc., allowed us to establish that the types of creative reactions of children to the example of creative behavior of an adult can be either immediate or delayed, with the delayed manifestations of creative abilities being the predominant ones. This allowed us to identify the phenomenon of delayed creative manifestations, which is associated with the incubation period both in relation to the creative process (during the realization of the creative intention – the fruition and maturation of the creative idea), and with respect to the formation of creative abilities resulting from the accumulation of new personal experience. This experience is connected, in our opinion, with the opportunity for subjects (children) to manifest creative behavior, encouraged by the teacher (significant adult) who demonstrated himself the example of creativity to schoolkids.
Keywords: natural experiment, free situation, example of creative behavior of an adult, creative reactions of children, immediate creative manifestations, delayed creative manifestations
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 194 — 205
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