DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-231-237
This scientific historical and pedagogical research, which did not become earlier a subject of a separate scientific research, analyzes the process of development of the system of out-ofschool education in the second half of the XX century in Orenburg which in this time period experiences the process of intensive development, including connected with considerable ex- pansion of a network of out-of-school institutions in the Orenburg region. The article considers the existing specificity of the expansion of the network of extracurricular institutions to meet the needs of the Soviet state and Soviet citizens in that historical period. In the framework of the study of this scientific problem, the work of a number of institutions of out-of-school education of this period in Orenburg, as well as bodies of the State Soviet authorities, which controlled and monitored the activities of out-of-school institutions in the chronological frames, is studied. The paper analyzes the current situation, describes the process of development and considers the current problems faced by the Soviet authorities, the administration of extracurricular institutions and teachers in the region. As part of the historical and pedagogical research, the works of domestic and foreign scientists engaged in the study of historical and pedagogical problems, as well as historical, economic, political, legal acts were studied, as well as unpublished archival materials of the second half of the last century were used, which were first studied, introduced into scientific circulation and analyzed by the author of this scientific research.
Keywords: history of pedagogic and education, USSR, Russia, additional education of children, the policy of the Soviet authorities, the Orenburg region
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 231 — 237
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