DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-238-241
The theoretical review of the problem of pedagogical guiding of University students is considered. Modern problems of training and education of students at university are much more complicated in the conditions of modernization processes in education. Today the general cultural and professional requirements for university graduates have increased significantly. In a rapidly developing world the system of higher education focuses on the formation of an independent personality. In addition, students must possess the culture of thinking, ability for generalization, analysis, perception of information. Also be ready for cooperation; be able to act in conditions of uncertainty; to conduct an independent search for solutions to professional problems; to strive for self-development, etc. Among other things, students need to develop qualities such as organization, innovation, responsibility, commitment, tolerance, social mobility, flexibility, sustainability. Thus, to possess a set of necessary competencies. Different authors present pedagogical support of students at the university as a phenomenon of included observation; counseling, direct participation; cooperation; self-development; ability of students to solve their learning problems; partnership; formation of professional competence of students. Also, the models of pedagogical support of university students are briefly described. Support of students is a certain kind of interaction that contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for their education and upbringing in the university. Pedagogical support is considered as a method that helps to create the necessary conditions where students have the opportunity to make the right decision in different situations. Pedagogical guiding is a necessary condition of professional and personal formation of modern students.
Keywords: pedagogical guiding, pedagogical support, adaptation, first-year-student
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 238 — 241
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