DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-39-46
The article considers the problem of introduction of distance learning technology in school. In particular, the main problems faced by all participants of the educational process are analyzed, for this purpose an analysis of research works on this issue was conducted. In the end, are outlined the main problems of the present stage of the introduction of distance learning technologies in the educational process of the school. At present, a number of Russian educational organizations in varying degrees use distance educational system. However, the problems of introducing distance learning technologies in secondary schools do not disappear. Today we do not raise the question of the possibility of using distance learning in schools, on the contrary, intensive development of information educational technologies promotes the introduction of distance learning along with traditional forms. Solving the problems of introducing distance learning, we have to get educational process that will be available, practical, modern, qualitative and quick. The article is the result of the analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the introduction of distance learning technologies in the educational process. The analysis covered the work concerning creation of technical support for the introduction of distance learning and analysis of its reliability, economics and legal issues of implementation in practice, the development of a theoretical base of the distance education system, systems of didactic principles, pedagogical technologies and the conditions of distance education, models of courses of distance education, etc. As a result of the analysis, the main problems encountered by educational organizations during the introduction of distance learning technologies were identified. The authors point to possible ways to overcome them.
Keywords: education, distance learning, distance learning technologies, introduction of distance learning technology in secondary general education schools
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 39 — 46
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