DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-110-122
Implementing the competency-based approach in the education system in the current time is a step forward, it is an opportunity to see in a different way the structure of teaching and the target of the educational process. However, there is the problem of rejection of accepting the approach of competencies by the teaching community. In the opinion of the authors, among the many reasons that lead to inhibition of the introduction of the competence- based approach in real education structure, as more influence we can indicate the following: first, the lack of methods to determine the extent of competence training; second, the absence of a recognized methodology for interpreting the assessment of competence. In this work, we propose a model of the evaluation of a newly trained specialist of pedagogic courses, as the basis in the evaluation was used the quantitative methodology of competencies. The approach consists of several steps: establishing a set of competences, grouping competencies into blocks, quantitative assessment of the degree of competency formation, joint construction of “portraits”, analysis and interpretation of research results. The “indicator” method developed earlier by one of the authors has been applied to calculation of the level of formation of competences in the adapted look. The results of the approval of this model were made on the basis of the tests applied on Russian and Brazilian students.
Keywords: education, modeling, formation of feedback in educational systems, cluster analysis, competences
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 110 — 122
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