DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-143-150
In the conditions of today’s spiritual crisis and the search for “tools” for overcoming it, the qualitative updating of the system of postgraduate education is actualized by giving more attention to the cultural and humanitarian plan for teaching subjects. With this in mind, it is suggested not to ignore the cultural significance of religious knowledge, which is organically woven into Russian literature, history, into Russian pedagogy. The article is an experience of studying theological knowledge of teachers in the system of postgraduate education. An analysis of the literature in the field of the problem under study has been carried out, which has shown the researchers’ attempts to understand the role of cultural values that religion carries in pedagogical education and to offer technologies for their development. The ontogeny of the cultural experience of reading and understanding religious texts as an important component of the development of the axiological foundations of the worldview of the teacher is considered. The reasons for the teacher’s appeal to theological knowledge as a cultural component of Russian culture are substantiated. The conducted research meets the general tendency to use the interdisciplinary theoretical positions of a wide range of sciences: pedagogy, cultural studies, philosophy and religious studies. In this connection, at the present stage of Russia’s development, the actualization of anthropocentric pedagogy is increasing, whereas socialization is understood not as adaptation and conformation, but as cultivation of one’s own position in the world, including with the support of traditional Russian spiritual values. The conducted research meets the general tendency to use the interdisciplinary theoretical positions of a wide range of sciences: pedagogy, cultural studies, philosophy and religious studies.
Keywords: theological knowledge, cultural values of religion, religious experience, pedagogical reflection, theological competence of the teacher
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 143 — 150
Downloads: 859