DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-157-163
In the article some features of formation of interethnic relations in the conditions of multicultural field of higher educational establishment are opened. Modern scientific approaches to the problem of interethnic and international relations in the society and the essence of process of formation of interethnic culture of students are analyzed. The main concepts of interesting aspects of interethnic relations are determined: tolerance, interethnic culture, communicative competence, intellectual-moral culture. It is found out that such qualities of the person as intellectual and moral feelings, etiquette, idea, ideals in the system of formation of culture of interethnic communication among students of higher educational establishments acquire a professional- social nature. It enables to assert of hedonistic and eudaimonistic nature of formation of qualities of culture of interethnic communication in a multicultural environment of educational institution. It is determined that the result of successful intercultural communication is a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure. As a result of analysis it was found out that formation of interethnic relations is a difficult, multidimensional process which covers all aspects of vital activity of the person. Owing to generalising of research results, the levels of interethnic culture of the person were allocated and characterized as the main component of formation of interethnic relations of students in the conditions of multicultural field of higher educational establishment. Practical forms and methods of formation of interethnic relations in conditions of multicultural higher education institution are offered.
Keywords: interethnic relations, interethnic culture, higher education institution, multicultural space, communicative competence, toleration, spiritual and moral culture, esthetics of the interpersonal relations
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 157 — 163
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