DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-206-214
The necessity of further professional development of the specialist is justified, taking into account the fact that the amount of knowledge, skills, competencies obtained within the educational organizations meet modern requirements only for a limited time. Further professional development is possible in the system of additional vocational education. Since the main goal of additional professional education of specialists is to improve and (or) obtain a new competence, the choice of teaching methods should be determined by the planned result. In the work it is proposed to use the level of activity of the student’s educational and cognitive activity as one of the tools for increasing the effectiveness of teaching. It is noted that the peculiarity of training in the system of additional vocational education is the need to acquire not only the necessary knowledge (to understand, remember and reproduce), but also to form the required skills and skills, that is, to develop or acquire the ability to apply knowledge in practical activities. Therefore, the cognitive activity of listeners should not be limited to the processes of listening, perception and fixation of educational material. Taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of the trained contingent of the students of the courses of additional professional education, the main principles of activating cognitive activity of students are analyzed: problematical character, maximum correspondence to functional and practical tasks, mutual learning, self-education, individualization, self-study, motivation and creative character of cognitive activity. On the basis of the above analysis, recommendations and proposals for the implementation of the principles for activating cognitive activity within the framework of additional vocational education are developed.
Keywords: additional professional education, efficiency, cognitive activity, principles of activization, competence
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 206 — 214
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