DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-233-240
An attempt of judgment of changes of the psychological states of the person connected with the change of the vital environment is made. The problem of studying hardiness of the persons released from places of detention and those in rehabilitation centers is considered. The topical issues connected with the search of psycho-pedagogical ways of rendering the post-penitentiary help to the former convicts are formulated. The fact of the consequences of serving of criminal penalty, negative for the person, reducing the level of hardiness and promoting marginalization and stigmatization of the personality in modern society is established. Taking into account the ongoing turning points in human life, attention is focused on the need to study vitality as a significant resource for the individual, contributing to overcoming difficult life situations. There is a correlation between the level of psychological readiness for life after release from places of detention and overcoming obstacles of both objective and subjective character, which will be one of characteristics of hardiness of the personality. The importance of researching the problem of a person’s hardiness in the postpenitentiary period in the context of creation by the person of the further course of his further life path and solving life situations of a social nature is confirmed. The further steps directed to the solution of a complex of research tasks in the theoretical and practical terms within the subject chosen for studying are offered.
Keywords: resocialization, hardiness, former convict, post-penitentiary adaptation, rehabilitation center
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 233 — 240
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