DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-248-257
The article analyzes the principle of organizing inclusive education, which is to ensure that the diversity of the needs of students with physical and mental disabilities corresponds to such educational environment. The justification of the principle of the need for special training in the field of special (correctional) pedagogy and psychological readiness is professionally and competently addressed in the problems of children with different educational needs, including those with limited health opportunities. When implementing the ideas of the professional and personal identity of the teacher, the following criteria are presented: in as much as in the phenomenological tradition the personality appears as a unique, existential entity, and identity expresses the self-referentiality of the person in the logic of the integral determination of the individual, the study is presented in the position of the person approach. Based on the analysis of the data of diagnostic studies, it was established that the participants of the project “Above the rainbow” are psychologically not ready for inclusion and need special comprehensive assistance from specialists (psychologist, methodologist). In this regard, they need understanding of themselves in a new role (personal identity), knowledge of the specifics of implementing approaches to individualization of the education of children with special educational needs; organization of psychological support system, joint analysis of professional experience, development of negative emotions, mastering self-identification techniques and their use in new conditions (under conditions of inclusion). Therefore, the task of specialists (methodologists, psychologists) is to help educators understand their hidden beliefs and values, to learn from them whether they are the beliefs and values that they would like to protect. For a program of inclusive education to be sustainable, at a certain point, these beliefs and values should be openly and clearly articulated. But the most important thing that teachers-participants of the project should learn is to work with children with different educational opportunities (capable children, children with HIA, children with disabilities) and take this diversity into account in their pedagogical approach to everyone.
Keywords: personal identity, inclusion, additional education, teacher’s readiness, special educational needs
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 248 — 257
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