DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-80-87
The requirements for the vocational training of designers and artists of decorative and applied art, which arose in connection with the need of society to create unique authorial objects of the object and spatial environment are considered. The similarity and distinction of the purposes and the task of works of the designer and artist of arts and crafts are revealed. A uniform process and mechanism for designing a new object allow to unify techniques of training in design and arts and crafts. It is defined that design process consists of the creative and technical component providing cumulative activities for formation of an intention, its justification and preparation of the necessary documents describing the final solution of a future object. The role of traditional manual drawing in design process is justified. The value of the project and graphic operations preceding computer visualization of an object is found out. Special integrated techniques of vocational training of students and methods of training in design and arts and crafts aimed at the development of perception, imagination and thinking and defining specifics of project and professional operation are offered. It is justified that training activity of a project graphics shall be based on reasonable interaction of the manual and computer drawing which sequentially is becoming complicated in training activity and oriented on development of decorative perception.
Keywords: project graphics, computer graphics, fast drawing, project activities, design, arts and crafts
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 80 — 87
Downloads: 1149