DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-59-66
The article describes the experience of organizing the educational and research activity of schoolchildren that is based on the novel by G. Shcherbakova “You would not even dream” in extracurricular activities in literature. As a methodological basis, a matrix of lessonproblematization was chosen within the framework of the concept of joint activity of G. N. Prozumentova. The description of the stages of the conduct of the lesson is accompanied by methodological comments and recommendations for the reproduction of such experience in extracurricular activities in literature. First, it should be remembered that research activities will take place if students show their subjectivity. Secondly, for the organization of the educational and research work of schoolchildren, a specific statement of the problem is needed and (if necessary) an explanation of the tools for its solution; it is important for the learners to understand the meaning of their activities. Thirdly, we should take into account the risk of insufficient preparedness of students (poor knowledge of the text). For this situation, a method of working with quotations pre-selected by the teacher is suggested. It is important that in this case, the stages of educational and research activities (search for necessary information, its primary processing, systematization and, finally, conceptualization) are observed. Comprehension of the developed and conducted employment allowed to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the chosen tactics of the organization of educational and research work.
Keywords: children’s and youth literature, school novel, educational and research activities, after-hours classes, occupation-problematization, FSES
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 59 — 66
Downloads: 1202