DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-84-89
The authors reveal one of the tendencies of bringing together the tasks of modern reforming the Armed Forces and professional military education, putting the officer in the center of the military-pedagogical systems as an organizer of the processes of educating and upbringing personnel. The organizational and pedagogical condition for improvement of quality of professional pedagogical training of cadets of a military higher educational institution has been investigated. It consists of modeling the practical training taking into account the characteristics of innovative pedagogical activities realized in a military higher educational institution and presented in the educational and upbringing process of military units. In this case, pedagogical potential of practical training is interdisciplinary connection in the educational process of a military higher educational institution, performing by the cadets the psychological and pedagogical tasks of an advanced nature based on practice, changes in the system of interaction between a military higher educational institution and military units with the opportunity for the cadets to solve the current problems and difficulties of education and upbringing of military personnel, typical for a specific military unit. The article reveals the ways and means of using the pedagogical potential of practical training, the result of which is the formation of cadets’ professional competence in the totality of knowledge, skills and abilities, professionally important personal qualities, professional experience.
Keywords: professional pedagogical training, cadets of a military higher educational institution, practical training, organizational and pedagogical conditions, modeling
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 84 — 89
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