DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-101-106
The present paper is devoted to the problems of developing foreign-language professional communicative competence in technical universities. Under modern conditions it is essential to organize language teaching and learning process so as to solve general tasks of higher education. Students and university graduates must be prepared to use their language skills for solving academic, scientific and professional problems and be aware of typical situations of professional communication. Therefore, the target competence should be regarded as an integrated unity of professional and communicative competencies. Its integrative character is reflected in the modified criteria presented in the paper. It is suggested to evaluate the target competence using cognitive-operational and motivation-professional criteria. Each of them is characterized by specific knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities required for participation in activities typical of professional environment and scientific community. Stages of forming the target competence are considered together with corresponding mechanisms of integration. Each stage aims at developing particular skills needed for professional communication. Particular skills may be developed or improved with the help of certain types of classroom activities. It is shown how to adjust traditional exercises used for developing language skills to general objectives of higher education and how to use them for development of professional competencies of an engineer.
Keywords: engineer, foreign language teaching, higher education, competence, competency
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 101 — 106
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