DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-122-129
It was found that in order to increase the level of motivation of the learner, it is necessary to organize the learning process in such a way as to influence not only mental activity, but also the personal attitude system irradiated to the studied language. Using innovative technologies such as information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching allows students to create various skills, such as the ability to organize and plan independently, evaluate their training activities, adjust it, focusing on the expected final result. In this article, the problem of using ICT for the organization of effective educational activity and formation of skills of independent work in the university is considered. The possibilities of using such kind of ICT as mobile applications are analyzed. The concept of independent work and the possibility of using mobile applications in the process of independent work in the framework of teaching a foreign language in the university were considered. The advantages of using mobile applications in the independent work of university students in the process of learning a foreign language were revealed. The article presents theoretical and practical substantiations for the thesis that using innovative technologies such as mobile applications in learning process allows students to develop various skills such as the ability to organize and independently plan the process of learning a language, evaluate their learning activities, adjust it, paying special attention expected learning outcome. A scheme of the process of teaching students to a foreign language using mobile applications in independent work is created and described.
Keywords: information and communication technologies (ICT), teaching foreign languages, independent work, mobile application
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 122 — 129
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