DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-90-100
This model is based on scientific approaches to studying the formation, development of personality and abilities as professionally significant personal qualities of the future specialist: activity, personality-oriented and competence approaches. It is constructed from logical and sequentially functioning blocks: the social order, the conceptual, the target, the substantive, the organizational-activity and the evaluation-resultant blocks. The social order reflects the needs of society and the state, the needs and individual characteristics of students, as well as the professionalism of teachers. The conceptual block acts as the theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of common competences and determines the content of all other blocks of the developed model. The target block of the model for the formation of general competences includes the goal, the tasks of this process, based on the observance of didactic principles. Since personality traits are characterized by motivational, cognitive and activity components linked logically, thus forming a system and reflecting in the process the formation of common competences, these components were singled out by the authors in the content block. The organizational-activity block of the presented model provides selection of means, methods, forms of organization of educational activities for the formation of common competencies in the process of teaching mathematical and natural science disciplines. The appraisal-productive block of the model for the formation of general competencies determines the effectiveness of the formation of general competencies that depends on concrete results, which are based on certain criteria, indicators and levels of the formation of common competences.
Keywords: structural and functional pedagogical model, general competencies, scientific methodological approaches, levels of methodological analysis, components of personal qualities, modeling blocks
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 90 — 100
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