DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-30-39
The article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying factors that affect the professional and project training of an engineer in Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. The authors focus on the description of key factors that ensure the productive development of modern engineering technologies, organize educational and cognitive activities of students. The level of education and training of highly qualified engineers is determined by the progress of students, which depends on a number of motivational conditions: methodological support of the educational process, informing students about the life of the university, the background in the university, the existing relations with teachers and university administration, the degree of satisfaction with the training in the university. The data analysis made it possible to establish an important factor in the competitiveness of graduates of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics in the labor market. It is graduates’ entrepreneurial activity, the correspondence of acquired knowledge to the real needs of the economy. This is directly related to the organization of the educational process built in the logic of positioning the university as an entrepreneurial institution in connection with the need to develop and apply innovative pedagogical technologies, methods of professional and project training of engineering personnel. In turn, the use of new design methods and techniques in the training of future specialists in line with the declared ideology of the university allows the faculty to effectively attract undergraduate students to further training in graduate and postgraduate studies.
Keywords: professional and project training, factors of professional training, project training, project activity, entrepreneurial university, entrepreneurial activity of students, engineering staff
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 30 — 39
Downloads: 1166