DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-123-129
The absence of a modern, adequate, well-built pedagogical system does not allow us to form the necessary level of education in our society. The results of the conducted studies revealed the following: the family institute loses its value in the minds of people, childhood alcoholism and drug addiction are at a high level, “an easy and beautiful life” is a subject for imitation for many adolescents. In such a situation, it is necessary to seek a means that can stop a negative trend. The article suggests using sports as a means that can raise the level of upbringing and form the right values in people. The role of sport in the life of society is difficult to overestimate, it performs many functions that affect the state of society as a whole. But this influence is not built systematically, so the negative typos sport also leaves. In general, the process of education is spontaneous, therefore, as a result, we are less likely to graduate from children’s sports school with a high level of education. For the most effective impact of sports on people’s lives, it is necessary to methodically build the entire educational process, then as a result we will receive a larger number of people with a high level of upbringing.
Keywords: upbringing, educational process, spiritual and moral values, personal qualities, sports
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 123 — 129
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