DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-130-136
The modern approaches to the study of social and communicative development of children of senior preschool age are considered. A substantive analysis of the studied phenomenon from various scientific positions was carried out. Based on the analysis performed, the author’s viewpoint on the identified problem is presented. The structure of the socio-communicative development of senior preschool children, which includes a complex of cognitive, emotionalvalue and behavioral components, is proposed. The characteristic of each structural component of the social and communicative development of children on the basis of the presented indicators is given. The cognitive component is associated with the level of a child’s general awareness of the world around him, knowledge of social norms, behavioral systems, and the child’s perception of work and safe behavior. The emotional value component is considered from the point of view of the preschooler’s assessment of his emotions, the emotions of his communication partners, as well as the child’s attitude to social norms of behavior, work, and his own safety. The behavioral component is characterized by the degree of activity of the child in communication and work, compliance with social norms and rules of safe behavior. The complex of diagnostic methods is described, which allows to assess the level of social and communicative development of senior preschoolers.
Keywords: and communicative development of a senior preschooler, socialization, level of social and communicative development, preschool education
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 130 — 136
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