DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-146-150
In the conditions of market economy, the formation of the necessary economic and financial competencies should be formed during the schooling period, with special attention to methods of teaching Economics, which should include both theoretical bases with the use of traditional teaching methods and, of course, practical tasks formed with the use of Bloom’s taxonomy, which is based on step-by-step training and formation of knowledge and skills in teaching Economics at school. An important element in such training is the use of elements of problem training, where the main result of training is the formation of certain economic competencies and increasing the level of independence in decision-making, forcing the learner to collect additional data, analyze, draw conclusions, be able to argue and prove the correctness of his judgments. In essence, the use of such methods of teaching allows to significantly increase the financial and economic literacy of the student, forming not only specific knowledge, but in general developing the outlook and properly forming a person’s worldview. The proposed sample assignments, formed under the theme Public Finance clearly demonstrate the taxonomy strategy for strengthening knowledge and skills, forming them in a gradual deepening and expansion of this topic, bringing the student to the creative finale, suggesting to speculate on the need for a budget in principle and the possibilities for changing the tax load in particular. These tasks are intended for students who have already fully formed their opinions, who have their own opinions and views on this topic, and therefore the goal of the teacher at this stage can be considered achieved.
Keywords: competences, knowledge, skills, economic and financial literacy, teaching methods, Bloom taxonomy, problem training
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 146 — 150
Downloads: 1153