DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-190-199
The main scientific and educational publications of the famous methodist Irina Alekseevna Gruzinskaya were published in the 30s XX century, and, based on the existing phasing of the development of domestic methods of foreign language teaching, they can be attributed to the early Soviet period of development of this science. The book of I. A. Gruzinskaya Methods of Teaching English in Secondary School (the first edition dates back to 1933) is a vivid reflection of the mentioned period. In spite of the fact that the book was repeatedly highly appreciated by domestic scientists who turned to the history of the methods of foreign language teaching (B. F. Korndorf, A. A. Mirolyubov, A. N. Shchukin, etc.), in this article it receives a comprehensive, detailed analysis. First of all, the article identifies the main features of foreign language education and methods of foreign language teaching in the USSR in the 30s of the XX century. It summarizes the contribution of I. A. Gruzinskaya in the development of domestic methods of foreign language teaching. Further, the methodical terminology used in the book is analyzed; the priority of the goals and methods of foreign languages teaching formulated in it, the manifestations of a certain ideological orientation of foreign language education in a given historical period are identified; the influence of foreign methods on domestic methods of teaching foreign languages is distinguished. The results of the study can be used in methodical training of foreign language teachers.
Keywords: methods of teaching, foreign language, history of teaching methods, Soviet stage of development of methods of foreign languages teaching, teaching manual
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 190 — 199
Downloads: 2371