DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-82-93
The article presents the results of an empirical study of educational overload among the students of the main stage of secondary school. The theoretical and methodological substantiation of the research is given and its objective relevance for the modern system of General education is shown. The empirical phase of the study was conducted over several years (2012–2018). Were involved in 527 adolescent school students during their training in the sixth-eighth grades of the General school. Psychological diagnostic data were subjected to mathematical and statistical processing, classified, generalized and interpreted. The results revealed the relationship between subjective perception and objective educational overload and allowed us to come to the conclusion about the impact of educational overload on the psychological well-being of students of the main stage of the General school. The conclusion that the prevention of educational overloads should be guided on either normative regulation of separate types of educational activity or a subjective state of students is made. The generalized conclusion is that the reason of the educational overload is not the expense of the main educational load of students but visiting additional types of educational activities. The data obtained allow us to say that preventing the occurrence of educational overload leads to necessity to optimize the possibility of assimilation and study of the material during the performance of the basic types of educational activities. Recommendations of possible directions of preventive work with students are given. The implementation of preventive programs should be carried out both in educational and extracurricular activities with all subjects of the educational process – teachers, educators, as well as with the parents of students. It is shown that the task of the teacher-psychologist is to identify the factors that may further cause the occurrence of certain difficulties or deviations in the development of children, and their elimination through preventive work.
Keywords: academic load, educational overload, psychological predictors, risk factors, basic General school, prevention of educational overload
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 82 — 93
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