DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-151-157
In the article the aspects of teaching foreign languages to students with the application of distance technologies are considered. The advantages of distance learning are studied, the learning technology and the influence on mastering material are described. The authors justify the thesis that distance learning technologies must be applied together with traditional technologies according to university upgrading, integration and educational tendencies. The article gives the structure of distance learning course for studying foreign languages to students at Surgut State University. The university provides teachers and students with access to Wi-Fi, computer rooms and online libraries. In order to ensure successful learning as well as support for students, teachers of the Foreign Languages Department use digital curriculums, online repositories for teaching materials, tools and a management system for content development and course management. The present article provides an up-to-date evidencebased information of how distance learning has been developed at Surgut State university. In fact, distance learning is built on the organization of individual interaction, which increases the efficiency of teaching and organizing topics. It also describes the monitoring system at the university. As an example, the system is built on the basis of operational student and lecturers feedback, access to the automatic control through testing systems.
Keywords: distance learning technologies, teaching of foreign languages to students, the Internet, Information Technology, the structure of distance learning course, innovations in education, language material, methods of teaching
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 151 — 157
Downloads: 782