DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-158-165
To date, there is a shortage of highly qualified personnel capable of carrying out their activities in the field of hydropedagogy of children with disabilities. Hydropedagogy is an integral part of pedagogy, including the upbringing and training of a person in the conditions of the aquatic environment and the means of the aquatic environment. High demands are placed on future hydraulic teachers. Hydropedagog must perfectly master the technique of sports and applied model of swimming, as well as a number of specific motor skills and abilities. There is a need to develop a methodology for professional training of bachelors, which will contribute to the formation of key and necessary competencies and skills. As a result of the study, a methodology was developed for the formation of professional motional competencies and skills of bachelor-hydropedagog teachers. The developed methodology of hydro-pedagogical vocational training includes a detailed description of 32 lessons on the following components: means; content; dosage; model and guidelines. To assess the formation of the necessary professional motor competencies and skills of bachelor-pedagogues, we developed a map of motor competencies and skills of the bachelorpedagogue, which allows to determine their levels of professional preparedness. The map of motor competencies and skills of the bachelor-hydraulic teacher includes 18 key competencies, skills and tests. The card includes the following competencies, skills, and tests: 1) the quality of the explanation of the material (points); 2) show exercises (points); 3) creating a situation of success and a positive emotional background in class (points); 4) interaction with a child with disabilities (points); 5) assistance in the descent of a child with a disabilities in the water – lifting out of the water (points); 6) prevention of critical situations, insurance (points); 7) motor occupation density (%); 8) sliding length (m); 9) feet breaststroke in place in an upright position (s); 10) Brass on the back (m); 11) retention of breath (sec.); 12) crawl on the chest to failure (m); 13) diving in length (m); 14) cooper’s test – swimming 12 min (m); 15) transportation of a child with a disability (points); 16) conducting classes on SE with children with disabilities (points); 17) selection of exercises taking into account the nosology of a child with a disability: cerebral palsy, spinal diseases, intellectual disability, hearing impairment (points); 18) mastering the levels of the educational process (student-student, student-student) (points).
Keywords: bachelor-hydropedagog, hydropedagogy, model, professional motional competences, children with limited health
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 158 — 165
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