DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-21-26
The author considers in the article the possibility of forming universal educational actions for children of primary school age in the process of solving design problems in school conditions. The federal state educational standard of primary general education highlights universal learning activities as an important educational outcome. Universal actions can develop in different types of vigorous activity, in particular, in project activities. The author compared the goal, result, content, way of interaction and the role of the teacher in project activities and in solving design problems. It is concluded that the project task is an important component of the project activity, its initial stage. The process of solving design problems in elementary school ensures the gradual mastering by younger schoolchildren of a new type of activity for them – project activities. Primary school students form design skills that are of a universal nature. Project and universal skills have a common content, therefore, when solving project problems, different groups of universal learning actions are formed: communicative, regulatory, and cognitive. Project tasks are implemented with children of primary school age in group collaboration under the guidance of a teacher. The set of tools specially prepared by the teacher are important. These tools allow you to create a game or life problem situation, solving which children apply subject knowledge and universal skills. A similar experience in solving design problems was put into practice in the Rassvet Primary School, Tomsk Region.
Keywords: project activity, project task, universal learning activities, children of primary school age
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 21 — 26
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