DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-35-44
The article considers the solving of one of the most urgent problems of Russian education modernization: the development of school students’ speech culture as the basis for their mastering of communication competencies. The paper highlights the importance of its solving for the growth of the human’s level of mental development and general culture. The article presents the authors view of the phenomena of communicative competency, speech culture, their interconnection and reciprocal influence. The author makes a point that the focused development of communicative competency and speech culture involves the selection of appropriate methods and aids of education, and that for communicative acts creation a set of algorithms can be used. He provides the analysis of the ways of the development of such phenomena at the general education school. Considers the special potentialities for the development of communicative competencies and speech culture in process of studying the Russian language and literature both in class and in extracurricular activities. The author offers an approach, according to which communicative competences and speech culture development is closely linked to the use of the latest technical devices and information and communication technologies in the open Internet space. These tools are divided into groups according to the complexity of their use: visualiza tion tools, lesson support tools, means of using computer programs in education, revising previously studied material, choosing a theme for creative work, monitoring knowledge, etc. The approach makes it possible to provide the efficient development of the students’ communicative competencies in conducting an interactive dialogue with the computer, other student and the teacher. The paper presents a Russian language and literature teacher’s generalized experience in students’ speech culture development with the use of traditional and relatively new forms and methods.
Keywords: speech, school student’s speech development, ICT, ICT-competency
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 35 — 44
Downloads: 956