DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-60-66
The article deals with the concepts of “global world” and “global thinking” in their spatial and temporal meaning. The inclusion of global spatial and temporal aspects in the content of higher education determines the conceptuality of education, which has a positive impact on the quality of higher education. It is shown that the semantic formations of the personality are directly dependent on the temporal aspects of its existence, and they are important for the core structures of the personality semantic sphere. In this regard, the problems of modern higher education are highlighted. The necessity of more clear purpose designation of higher education with a projection on time aspects of the global world development is proved. It is determined that the quality of higher education is influenced by inefficient personnel formation of universities, in which there are few specialists in the field of education theory; it also suffers from the lack of individual training programs for students throughout the process. In higher education, as well as in science, there is a significant gap between theory and practice. The idea of global thinking formation among students as one of the strategies of higher education is defended. Directions of global thinking formation, taking into account its time aspect, are presented. Examples of practical solutions on the strategy choice in the educational process of higher education are given. The study showed that the formation of culture of cognitive activity ways translation allows students to discover the global, spiritual side of the activity, thereby strengthening the trend of more reasonable expectations of an optimistic future for young people.
Keywords: spatial and temporal aspects of the global world, global thinking, teacher’s translational functions
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 60 — 66
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