DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-67-76
The studies of domestic authors that are available in modern scientific literature are presented, which provide an opportunity to summarize at a theoretical and methodological level the conceptual provisions related to the construction of psychological support. It is emphasized that psychological support is realized in order to ensure the psychological development of a personality in modern society, prevent the development of negative tendencies, and overcome the difficulties of personal growth. It is argued that the introduction of personality-oriented innovation technologies into the educational space is complicated by the rigid attachment of teachers to the historically established forms of organization of the educational process, the inability of educational systems to design and control the formation of the learner’s creatively oriented and self-developing personality. The genesis and phenomenology of psychological support of the subjects of the educational space is analyzed. Target reference points of the project activity of the psychologist for its direct implementation are highlighted. The models of the scientific and methodological management of the educational process, first aid, escort and personality development have been identified and characterized. The essential characteristics and mechanisms of psychological support are described as a basic trend that assists the personal and professional development of students.
Keywords: personal developmental education, psychological support, professional development, self-development, existential problems
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 67 — 76
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