DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-92-99
The article analyzes the experience of the organization of research work at the Faculty of Culture and Arts of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in the direction of training masters of 44.01.03 Pedagogical education, orientation (profile) Music. The role and place of the research work of students in the formation of professional competencies, in increasing the motivation to learn, expanding the research qualities of the future teacher is substantiated. The main directions and tasks of research work in the system of pedagogical training of students-musicians are indicated. The essence, content and forms of organization of research work of students in higher education institutions are considered, aimed at creating a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that allow to form attitudes towards science as a priority tool for diagnosis, design, forecasting and improvement of pedagogical practice in music education. Despite the presence of significant scientific developments, methodological recommendations, the effectiveness and efficiency of students’ research work still leaves much to be desired: the majority of future teachers have an incomplete or distorted understanding of this aspect of vocational training, in addition, they have no practically or present fragmentary relevant methodological knowledge and skills. The overwhelming number of students and a significant part of teachers are not aware of the social and personal significance of research activities, their place in vocational training, the general cultural development of a personality, its self-realization and effectiveness. There is still a certain inconsistency in the methods of managing the research work of students. Practice shows that the organization of research work of students contributes to improving the quality of training, the growth of scientific and pedagogical qualifications of teachers and scientific and pedagogical workers, the direct use of significant scientific potential to accelerate scientific and social development and achieve relevant results.
Keywords: research work, magistracy, music teacher, educational process
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 92 — 99
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