DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-100-105
The article deals with the problems of strategic education quality management through the processes of adaptation of students to the higher education system. Various problems affecting the poor quality of adaptation are analyzed. In particular, as the first problem, a significant gap between the school and university educational space is highlighted and analyzed, which is that the university and the school have practically no points of contact: the students have no idea about the structure of the educational space of the university, the temporary rhythms of its work organization (semesters, modules, sessions), stream methods of organization of the educational process, the flow of students, uniting large masses of students of one course or related areas of training. Lecture-seminar and test and examination systems are also very different from the usual for 11 years of schooling methods of organizing the educational process and knowledge control. A big problem is created by the lack of necessary information (which can only be gathered on the days of open doors, and then not in full), the low autonomy of schoolchildren, the passivity of the school teaching system, etc. As a result of the analysis, a number of trips to solving the problem are proposed: firstly, university teachers should “go to school”. It is necessary to think over and organize the interaction of the school and the university, both to improve the quality of school education and to adapt schoolchildren to other, university teaching methods. The second solution would be the earlier vocational orientation of schoolchildren. This work must begin no later than grade 8 school. The third area of activity for the adaptation of students in the system of higher education, from our point of view, can be the introduction of elements of project management in the implementation of the educational process in higher school.
Keywords: adaptation, educational space, applicants, quality of education, strategic management of education
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 100 — 105
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